Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Masthead designs

 1.) If i were to recreate these more professionally i would want to use a font that look very hand written, so it would look as if students had made it. PB would be in bold and maybe a more professional font to stand out from the rest. i decided to use black and red because they are the school colours which we associate with the school to make it feel as if the magazine would be more anchored to it. the tag line i went with a saying that i always hear, people are always saying and i agree that school feels like it's going really quickly, and i thought it would be appropriate.

2.) I would use fonts that have a more professional look, for "plants brook" i would want to use a font that is curvy and flowing, while "magazine" and the tag line would be in blocky fonts to show a solid structure, the tag line i decided to use was as reference to through out secondary school we are always told we will need to take more responsibility for ourselves.

3.) I think the inclusion of the school logo would be a good feature because it gives a sense of belonging, the title "school informative" i thought would be a good idea as it give an overall feeling, as in it's for the entire school not just students, or parents. i used a rhetorical question for the tag line as i thought it would make people more interested while also saying what the magazine would tell you.

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